Each week I conduct FREE Job Seeker Webinars and the participants don’t know who I am or that I own a Staffing and Recruiting Firm. As a result, they often complain about “US” and their #1 complaint is the following:
“Recruiters call me all the time with a job I would never consider and then have the gall to ask me for referrals. They don’t care about me, they just make enough call until someone bites.”
There are instances when I’m sure you’ve filled a job as a result of pitching a job. However, I want you to consider the candidates you might have placed, if you found out what was most important to them first.
We can’t assume that what someone is doing now, is exactly what they want to do next. Why would they accept a lateral move? Most candidates want to make their next logical career move which involves advancement, learning opportunities and a better compensation package.
If you to present a specific job, make sure you let the candidate know that this is just a “Sampling of the caliber of opportunity I represent. Once I understand what is most important to you, I’ll know what opportunities to present to you.”
When you first reach out to a candidate, you are a stranger they don’t know or trust. They’ve probably worked with a recruiter in their past, unless they are a recent grad. In the Staffing and Recruiting Profession worldwide, we only place 5% of the candidates we attract. As a result, many of the candidate you call have NOT had a positive experience and are guarded with their answers.
When you let them talk about themselves, share what they see as their next career move and take your direction from them, you begin to establish rapport which leads to trust and referrals.
Also, we often call people at work and they can’t talk openly. When I speak at Technology Conferences, the IT professionals always complain that their boss and co-workers are sitting next to them. They will talk to recruiters who just obtain their cell phone number and call them after 6 PM.
If you’re asked about the jobs you have available, you could respond “I don’t know which opportunities to present to you, until I find out what you see as your next career move. I don’t want to waste your time presenting jobs you wouldn’t consider.”
At any given time, only 15% of the talent pool is conducting an ACTIVE job search.
These are also the candidates who are answering job board ads, website postings and are actively searching on social media.
If you want to reach the other 85%, position yourself as a Lifetime Career Agent who can help them make their next logical career move, once you understand what’s most important to them. Don’t stand the chance of losing top talent, because you’ve pitched the wrong job.