Representing the BEST clients and consistently upgrading your client base is one of today’s top challenges. A strategic client development process is more critical than ever as you navigate the ever-changing complex landscape of the workplace, workforce and work itself. This Direct Hire Client Development Tutor teaches the comprehensive skills needed to successfully attract PREFERRED full-fee clients that will positively impact production and profits.
Effective techniques to develop client rapport and trust
Branding and unique marketing techniques to attract PREFERRED clients.
Sales, Pre-Closing and Closing Skills that all but eliminate problem areas
How to write fillable business
To implement a proven successful client development strategy from A to Z, that differentiates you from your competition.
To jump start new hires or increase the success of tenured team members
Best questions to help resolve engagement and retention challenges
40 self-paced video lessons (transcript provided)
Weekly LIVE training Webinars with Q & A
Bi-Weekly LIVE Coaching Calls with Q & A
Automatically Scored Tests
Resource Library, Forms & Scripts
Know how to consistently hit or surpass goals set
Instantly differentiate yourself from competitors
Proven step-by-step successful process
Effectively communicate while solidifying relationships
Comprehensive Library with everything you need to succeed!
Let’s see if the Direct Hire Client Development Tutor is for you. It is not for everybody. Here’s how you can make sure this Tutor is right for you and your business.
*If you are NOT in the Direct Hire Business but want to add that segment to your Temporary or Contract Staffing Firm click here
Expand your horizon with interaction and new perspectives, thought-provoking discussions on hot topics at your fingertips as well as forms, and best practices from peers across the world.
Imagine having access to over 150 training sessions Forms, Templates and scripts
Stay up to date with the latest trends by participating In the weekly training Webinars and bi-weakly Coaching calls.
You will receive a Certificate of Completion when you Successfully complete the Tutor.
You have access to the training materials 24/7 and can learn when it’s most convenient for you!
Our training is recognized by many National Associations for CEU credit
If you want to increase sales and profits, attract and retain the BEST recruiting team, while you simultaneously GROW your business, enroll your recruiting team today.
Need help making the right choice? Speak with one of our experts or Send them a message
These bullet points succinctly convey the strategic benefits and comprehensive support provided by the Add Flexible Staffing Tutor, highlighting the program’s potential to transform participating firms’ business models and revenue streams.
No, This program is 100% online and self-paced! When you learn and how much time you spend each day, week, or month is up to you. However, individuals who complete one lesson daily (Monday thru Friday) and one test weekly, participate on the Weekly LIVE training calls and bi-weekly coaching calls are the individuals who see the greatest increase in their production, income, and success.
For as long as you work for your current company, and they remain an active client of Good as Gold Training. Once you complete the curriculum, we strongly encourage you to continue to attend the LIVE weekly Webinars and bi-weekly Coaching Calls, to you can continue to increase your level of success and income!
If you’re not sure if this program is the right fit, we are here to help you determine which program is the right fit for you to achieve your goals and objectives. Simply talk to one of our experts (ADD CALENDLY QR CODE) or send them an email at support@staffingandrecruiting.com
No special software tools are required to complete this training. All materials needed are provided in this Learning Management System for you.